Why Choose Physical Therapy at Home?

What is In-Home Physical Therapy? In-home physical therapy is when a physical therapist goes to your home in order to provide treatment. This service is usually reserved for patients whose conditions do not allow them to leave their home. However, it can also be provided to many other patients. Physical therapy services can assist older […]

Sleep Tips for Older Adults

Sleep and aging As we age, we often experience normal changes in our sleeping patterns, such as becoming sleepy earlier, waking up earlier, or experiencing less deep sleep. However, disturbed sleep, waking up tired every day, and other symptoms of insomnia are not a normal part of aging. Sleep is just as important to your […]

What You Should Know About Caregiver Burnout

When considering the best plan of care for yourself or for your elderly loved one, there are many different options to weigh. It’s important to select a service that meets your needs and to understand what you can expect. Doing so can help ease many worries and anxieties often associated with long term care.  PrimRose […]

How to Help Shut-Ins Not Feel Shut Out

Nearly 30% of Americans over the age of 65 live alone, according to the most recent US Census Bureau report in 2010. Health Concerns Associated with Living Alone Although living alone doesn’t mean someone is incapable of leaving his home, it can lead to other health concerns such as feelings of isolation, depression, dementia, cardiac […]

The Differences Between Hospice and Home Health

Home Health Care and Hospice are benefits provided by Medicare and other insurance carriers. Primrose nurses provide quality home health and hospice care.

Home Health Care and Hospice are benefits provided by Medicare and other insurance carriers. Although many people use the terms interchangeably, they’re really not the same at all. Understanding their differences can help you determine the best type of care for your loved one.